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Tag: Gus Toni Lampung Timur

Gus Toni Accompanies the Inauguration of MWCNU Jati Agung with Sholawat

Gus Toni Accompanies the Inauguration of MWCNU Jati Agung with Sholawat

Opsi Daerah
Lampung Selatan, Indo-Opsi.Com, The inauguration of the new board of Majelis Wakil Cabang Nahdlatul Ulama (MWCNU) Jati Agung took place solemnly and energetically on Sunday (2/2/2025).The event became even more moving with the recitation of sholawat led by Gus Muhammad Saiful Fatoni, a charismatic young preacher from Lampung Timur.The event was held at Sinar Rejeki Village and attended by NU Lampung Selatan administrators, Forkopimcam members, Danramil 421-09/TJB, Jati Agung Police Chief, Sinar Rejeki Village Head, as well as community leaders and Banom NU members.In a spiritually charged atmosphere, Gus Muhammad Saiful Fatoni, also known as Gus Toni, expressed his gratitude for the inauguration of the new administration. He also delivered an inspirational message to the newly...